Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Nothing to show... because I knit on my generic, standing-in-line/waiting-in-doctor's-office sock during an evening meeting tonight and I'm too flippin' tired to haul out my camera. And my (insert long desc.) sock is where it belongs: on the passenger seat of my car.

The "too tired to haul out my camera" extends to the swallowtail shawl, too. I'm five rows in to the main pattern (leaf? leaf bud? Ah. Budding Lace 2 (I'm tired, but apparently I can still read!)).

Fortunately, I've got a boss who believes that work-related evening meetings count as "work" -- so I'll leave work early on Friday to compensate for tonight.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Why not?

I finished my sister's socks yesterday (Socks That Rock, Incredible Shrinking Violet, in CookieA's Monkey pattern) and they're washed and drying on either side of the Fire On The Mountain RPMs I wore to OFFF yesterday:

And I've cast on this month's Socks That Rock sock club socks:

AND I'm making serious progress on the Central Park Hoodie:

So it's time to cast on Swallowtail in Briar Rose's Grandma's Blessing, right?


Saturday, August 9, 2008

A *real* test

If this works, you'll see a picture of the socks started last night for Ravelympics. This is Linda Welch's brilliant "Spring Forward" pattern, in Blue Moon Fiber Arts - lightweight Atomic #6.

Whether this works or not, I must go start laundry and bagging quilt swap squares and doing all of that other lovely life-maintenance stuff that seem to occupy my weekends.

Testing, testing...

I never have figured out how to post pictures on my "official" web site -- so perhaps this is a way I can show off quilts and knit?

We'll see...